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Results 1 - 10 of 4089 (page 1 of 409)
The Federalist. : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States. / A collection of essays, by Alexander Hamilton, Jay and Madison. Also the Continentalist and other papers, by Hamilton. Ed. by John C. Hamilton.
The statistical history of the United States from colonial times to the present.
100 Americans who changed history / by Samuel Willard Crompton.
The North and the South: being a statistical view of the condition of the free and slave states, by Henry Chase and C.H. Sanborn. Boston, J.P. Jewett, 1857.
Far from the tree : parents, children and the search for identity / Andrew Solomon.
The Great debate : interpreting our written constitution.
American law : an introduction / Lawrence M. Friedman.
Why Blacks, women, and Jews are not mentioned in the Constitution, and other unorthodox views / Robert A. Goldwin ; with a foreword by Edwin M. Yoder, Jr.
A chilling effect : the mounting threat of libel and invasion of privacy actions to the first amendment / Lois G. Forer.
Rights of privacy / John H.F. Shattuck.

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