The Navajo at Bosque Redondo: cooperation, resistance, and initiative, 1864-1868 / Katherine M.B. Osburn -- Crazy Horse and the end of the Great Sioux War / Kingsley M. Bray -- "I see what I have done": the life and murder trial of Xwelas, a S'Klallam woman / Coll-Peter Thrush and Robert H. Keller, Jr.-- Signatures and thumbprints: ethnicity among the White Earth Anishinaabeg, 1889-1920 / Melissa L. Meyer -- Naalyéhé Bá-Hoogan-"house of merchandise": the Navajo trading post as an institution of cultural change, 1900-1930 / Robert S. McPherson -- The birth of the reservation: making the modern individual among the Lakota / Thomas Biolsi -- "Right in the midst of my own people": Native American women and the field matron program / Lisa E. Emmerich -- "If we get the girls, we get the race": missionary education of Native American girls" / Carol Devens -- Making savages of us all: white women, Pueblo Indians, and the controversy over Indian dances in the 1920s / Margaret D. Jacobs -- Reservation leadership and the progressive-traditional dichotomy: William Wash and the Northern Utes, 1865-1928 / David Rich Lewis -- Red Lilac of the Cayugas; traditional Indian law and culture conflict in a witchcraft trial in Bufflo, New York, 1930 / Sidney L. Harring -- Shamanism and Christianity: modern Tlingit elders look at the past / Sergei Kan -- Exploring a cultural borderland: Native American journeys of discovery in the early twentieth century / Frederick E. Hoxie -- The tribal reorganization of the Stockbridge-Munsee: essential conditions in the re-creation of a Native American community, 1930-1942 / John C. Savagian -- Jim Crow in Alaska: the passage of the Alaska Equal Rights Act of 1945 / Terrence M. Cole -- American Indian ethnic renewal: politics and the resurgence of identity / Joane Nagel -- "We don't want your rations, we want this dance": the changing use of song and dance on the southern plains / Clyde Ellis -- The bloody wake of Alcatraz: political repression of the American Indian Movement during the 1970s / Ward Churchill -- Riding the paper tiger / Robert L. Bee -- "Our lives have been transmuted, changed forever" / Fergus M. Bordewich -- Research, redskins, and reality / Vine Deloria, Jr.-- Gaming and recent American Indian economic development / Joseph G. Jorgensen -- Native Americans in America: a theoretical and historical overview / Peter d'Errico.