General Note:
"February 2000."
" ... held in Mexico in March [1999] ..."--Page 4 of cover.
Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Contents Note:
Background and purpose of the workshop / R.M.A. Loyns [and others] -- pt. 1. Macroeconomic forces affecting trade and trade relations -- Exchange rate effects on agricultural trade and trade relations / David Orden -- Impact of the Asian crisis on trade flows: a focus on Indonesia and agriculture / Richard R. Barichello -- Discussion -- Bank of Mexico / Daniel Garcés-Diaz -- pt. 2. Foreign investment arrangements -- Foreign investment, competitiveness and trade / Charles R. Handy and John A. Bamford -- Strategic alliances and joint ventures under NAFTA: concepts and evidence / David Sparling and Roberta Cook -- Discussion -- Rabobank international -- Mexico / Ken Shwedel -- The alliance process / David Heilig -- Acquisitions and strategic alliances: a Mexican case study / Sergio Cházaro/DUXX -- pt. 3. Economic adjustments in small farms -- Policy reforms and poverty in the Mexican ejido sector / Benjamin Davis [and others] -- Discussion -- SAGAR / José Antonio Mendoza-Zazueta -- pt. 4. Harmonizing transportation systems under NAFTA -- Rail harmonization in Mexico and North America: implications for agriculture / Barry E. Prentice, Wade Derkson and Arnold Maltz -- Harmonization truck transportation / Rob Harrison -- pt. 5. Reducing trade tension through transnational interest group coordination and dialogue -- Government experience -- U.S. Embassy -- Mexico / Lewis Stockard -- Agriculture and agri-food Canada / Ken Ash and Glyn Chancey -- SAGAR / Andrés Casco -- Industry experience -- Livestock economist / David Anderson -- Canadian pork council / Martin Rice -- Cargill Limited / Jamie Dolyṅchuk -- Starr produce co. / Robert A. Peterson -- Summary / overview -- Reducing trade tension through transnational dialogue and interest group coordination: industry and government experience / Hal Harris -- pt. 6. Economic adjustment under a western hemisphere free trade agreement -- The institutional environment for agriculture trade in the FTAA / Mary E. Burfisher -- The potential trade flow: an agreement for the Americas / W.H. Furtan -- Discussion -- Saskatchewan wheat pool/KPMG / S.J. Thompson -- Structural change in Mexico / Andrés Casco/SAGAR -- Issues affecting Latin American agriculture and future trade negotiations / Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla -- Economic adjustment in Chile / Roy Rogers.