General Note:
"This book was developed for the ... Americas television course"--Page [v].
Formatted Contents Note:
The state of sovereignty and the sovereignty of states / Franklin W. Knight -- The state and development in historical perspective / Peter H. Smith -- The great depression of the 1980s and the future of the Latin American State / Albert Fishlow -- The state of revolution / Margaret E. Crahan and Peter H. Smith -- Production, reproduction, and the polity : women's strategic and practical gender issues / Helen I. Safa and Cornelia Butler Flora -- The construction of a Latin America feminist identity / Marysa Navarro-Aranguren -- Religion : reconstituting Church and pursuing change / / Margaret E. Crahan -- Remapping culture / Jean Franco -- Transforming memories and histories / Kay Barbara Warren -- Race, color, and class in the Caribbean / Anthony P. Maingot -- Continent on the move : immigrants and refugeees in the Americas / M. Patricia Fernández Kelly and Alejandro Portes -- The Americans : Latin American and Caribbean peoples in the United States.