Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Met́is origins : discovery and interpretation. From "one nation" in the Northeast to "New Nation" in the Northwest : a look at the emergence of the met́is / Olive Patricia Dickason -- Many roads to Red River : met́is genesis in the Great Lakes region, 1680-1815 / Jacqueline Peterson -- Some questions and perspectives on the problem of met́is roots / John E. Foster -- Communities in diversity. The met́is and mixed-bloods of Rupert's Land before 1870 / Irene M. Spry -- Waiting for a day that never comes : the dispossessed met́is of Montana / Verne Dusenberry -- Treaty no. 9 and fur trade company families : Northeastern Ontario's halfbreeds, Indians, petitioners and met́is / John S. Long -- Grande Cache : the historic development of an indigenous Alberta met́is population / Trudy Nicks and Kenneth Morgan -- Diasporas and questions of identity. "Unacquainted with the laws of the civilized world" : American attitudes toward the met́is communities in the Old Northwest / R. David Edmunds.
(Cont.) Diverging identities : the Presbyterian met́is of St. Gabriel Street, Montreal / Jennifer S.H. Brown -- "What if Mama is an Indian?" : the cultural ambivalence of the Alexander Ross family / Sylvia Van Kirk -- Cultural life. In search of met́is art / Ted J. Brasser -- What is Michif? : Language in the met́is tradition / John C. Crawford.