Indigenous archaeology in the post-modern world / George P. Nicholas and Thomas D. Andrews -- The Micmac and New Brunswick archaeology : historical perspectives and contemporary experiences / Helen Kristmanson -- Cultural interpretation in times of change / Kimberley L. Lawson -- Increasing awareness and involvement of Aboriginal People in heritage preservaton : recent developments at the Manitoba Nuseum of Man and Nature / E. Leigh Syms -- "We can go a long way together hand-in-hand" / Margaret Hanna -- Education and empowerment: archaeology with, for, and by the Shuswap Nation / George P. Nicholas.
Frenchman's Island and the Nataawaau bones : archaeology and Cree tales of culture contact / David Denton -- Gwich'in traditional knowledge and heritage studies in the Gwich'in settlement area / Ingrid D. Kritsch and Alestine M. Andre -- Traditional knowledge in site recognition and definition / Sheila C. Greer -- The Idaà Trail : archaeology and the Dogrib cultural landscape, Northwest Territories / Thomas D. Andrews and John B. Zoe -- Ancient knowledge of ancient sites : tracing Dene identity from the late Pleistocene and Holocene / Christopher C. Hanks -- Remembering 10,000 years of history : the origins and migrations of the Gitksan / Heather Harris.
The Arviaq and Qikiqtaarjuk Oral History Project / Lyle Henderson -- The Sddlnewhala Bowl : cooperation or compromise / Barbara Winter and Diana Henry -- Archaeological Native internships at the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature / E. Leigh Syms -- Presenting Indigenous history : the First Peoples Hall at the Canadian Museum of Civilization / Robert McGhee -- Native claims and the future of archaeological research in the Northwest Territories/Thomas D Andrews, Charles Arnold, Elisa J. Hart, and Margaret M. Bertulli -- The Ittarnisalirijiit Conference on Inuit archaeology / Deborah Kigjugalik Webster and John Bennett -- Archaeology and the Sechelt Indian Self-Government Act / Eldon Yellowhorn -- Cultural property and the question of underlying title / Michael Asch -- Native People and archaeology / Ethel Blondin-Andrew.