BACKGROUND AND HISTORIC PERSPECTIVE : Salmon nutrients: closing the circle / John G. Stockner and Kenneth I. Ashley -- The marine nutrient shadow: a global comparison of anadromous salmon fishery and guano occurrence / Takeshi Murota -- Past and present Pacific salmon abundance: bioregional estimates for key life history stages / Peter K. Schoonmaker [and others]. -- Assessing the historic contribution of marine-derived nutrients to Idaho streams / Steven A. Thomas [and others] -- ECOSYSTEMS RESPONSES : Isotopic evidence for enrichment of salmon-derived nutrients in vegetation, soil, and insects in riparian zones in coastal British Columbia / Thomas E. Reimchen [and others] -- Observations of chum salmon consumption by wildlife and changes in water chemistry at Kennedy Creek during 1997-2000 / Joseph Jauquet [and others] -- Aquatic animal colonization of chum salmon carcasses in Hokkaido, Northern Japan / Miyuki Nakajima and Tomiko Ito -- Evidence for hyporheic transfer and removal of marine-derived nutrients in a sockeye stream in southwest Alaska / Thomas C. O'Keefe and Rick T. Edwards -- REPLACING LOST NUTRIENTS: STREAM AND LAKE FERTILIZATION : Experimental nutrient addition to the Keogh River and application to the Salmon River in coastal British Columbia / Patrick A. Slaney, Bruce R. Ward, and James Craig Wightman -- Evaluation of the addition of inorganic nutrients and stream habitat structures in the Keogh River Watershed for steelhead trout and coho salmon / Bruce R. Ward, Donald J.F. McCubbing, and Patrick A. Slaney -- Experimental enrichment of two oligotrophic rivers in south coastal British Columbia / Gregory A. Wilson [and others] -- The relationship between nutrient conentration and stream insect abundance / Darcie L. Quamme and Patrick A. Slaney -- Restoration of kokanee salmon in the Arrow Lakes Reservoir, British Columbia: preliminary results of a fertilization experiment / Roger Pieters [and others] -- Redfish Lake sockeye salmon: nutrient supplementation as a means of restoration / Robert G. Griswold, Doug Taki, and John G. Stockner -- Role of riparian red alder in the nutrient dynamics of coastal streams of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA / Carol J. Volk, Peter M. Kiffney, and Robert L. Edmonds -- METHOD REFINEMENT : Trophic level implications when using natural stable isotope abundance to determine effects of salmon-derived nutrients on juvenile sockeye salmon ecology / Thomas C. Kline, Jr. -- Evaluation of slow-release fertilizer for rehabilitating oligotrophic streams / Megan S. Sterling and Kenneth I. Ashley -- Protocol for applying limiting nutrients to inland waters / Kenneth I. Ashley and John G. Stockner -- INNOVATIVE ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT : Searching for a life history approach to salmon escapement management / E. Eric Knudsen, Eric W. Symmes, and F. Joseph Margraf -- Toward new escapement goals: integrating ecosystem and fisheries management goals / John H. Michaels, Jr. -- Nutrient addition to restore salmon runs: considerations for developing environmental protection policies and regulations / Robert T. Lackey.