The Sibley guide to birds / written and illustrated by David Allen Sibley.
"A completely revised edition of Sibley's landmark guide, with more than 600 new paintings and 111 rare species added, new information on habitat and behavior, and more tips on finding species in the field"--Cover.
Record details
- ISBN: 9780307957900 (pbk.)
- ISBN: 030795790X (pbk.)
- Physical Description: xxv, 598 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 25 cm.
- Edition: Second edition.
- Publisher: New York : Alfred A. Knopf, [2014]
- Copyright: ©2014
Content descriptions
- General Note:
- "A Scott & Nix edition"--page [ii].Includes index.
- Formatted Contents Note:
- Introduction. Classification of birds ; Equipment for birding ; Learning to identify birds ; Psychological effects and mistakes ; Variation in appearance ; Geographic variation and subspecies ; Learning songs and calls ; Finding rare birds ; Ethics ; Extinct species -- Bird topography. Parts of a passerine ; Parts of a shorebird ; Parts of a duck ; Molt and plumage -- Key to the species accounts -- Key to the group accounts -- Key to the range maps -- Ducks, geese, and swans. Geese head and bill shapes ; Identification of swans ; Domestic geese ; Domestic ducks ; Exotic waterfowl ; Hybrid mallard identification ; Downy young ; Rare and exotic ducks ; Identification of scaups ; Hybrid Aythya ; Identification of eiders ; Diving motions ; Goldeneye hybrids -- Upland game birds -- Loons and grebes. Loon habits ; Identification of grebes -- Albatrosses, petrels, and shearwaters. Molt in seabirds -- Storm-petrels -- Pelicans, boobies, and frigatebirds -- Cormorants. Identification of cormorants -- Tropicbirds -- Wading birds. Snowy egret vs. little egret ; Snowy egret vs. little blue heron ; Courtship colors ; Identification of dark ibises -- Hawks and vultures. Harrier flight shapes ; Accipiter identification ; Buteo identification -- Rails, coots, cranes, and limpkin. Identification of coots ; Crane behavior ; Habits of rails -- Shorebirds. Identification of yellowlegs ; Bill length in curlews ; Identification of small sandpipers ; Dowitcher identification ; Aerial displays of snipes and woodcocks ; Identifying pharalopes --Gulls. Identification of gulls ; Identification of hybrid gulls ; Albinism in gulls -- Terns and skimmer -- Skuas and jaegers. Bill details ; Jaeger identification -- Alcids -- Pigeons and doves. Bird families -- Cuckoos -- Owls. Owling ; Branching owls -- Nightjars. Eyeshine -- Swifts -- Hummingbirds. Hummingbird wing shapes ; Hummingbird displays ; Hybrid hummingbirds -- Trogons and kingfishers. Kingfisher behavior -- Woodpeckers. Woodpecker drumming -- Falcons -- Parrots -- Tyrant flycatchers and becard. Identification of Empidonax ; Comparing Empidonax and other flycatchers -- Shrikes -- Vireos -- Crows and jays -- Larks -- Swallows. Molting swallows -- Chickadees and allies. Chickadee and titmouse identification ; Black-capped and Carolina chickadee identification -- Nuthatches and creeper -- Wrens. Sedge wren and grass sparrows -- Gnatcatchers, kinglets, and others. Identification of gnatcatchers -- Thrushes. Identification of bluebirds -- Mockingbirds, thrashers, starlings, accentors, wagtails, and pipits -- Waxwings, silky-flycatchers, olive warbler, and longspurs. Identification of Snow and McKay's bunting -- Wood-warblers. Warbler identification ; Blue-winged x golden-winged warbler hybrids ; Hybrid warblers ; Taxonomic outliers ; Bill shapes of songbirds -- Emberizine sparrows. Sparrow-like birds ; Identification of Spizella sparrows -- Cardinals. Identification of grosbeaks ; Identification of Passinera buntings -- Orioles and blackbirds. Old world and new world names ; Plumage variation in orioles ; Identification of orioles -- Finches and allies. Red crossbill types.
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- Birds > North America > Identification.
Bird watching > North America > Guidebooks.
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- 1 of 1 copy available at Northwest Indian College.
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Lummi Library | QL 681 .S497 2014 | 287170 | Stacks | Reshelving | - |
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