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Results 21 - 30 of 81 (page 3 of 9)
Lighting the seventh fire : the spiritual ways, healing, and science of the Native American / F. David Peat.
The medicine way : a shamanic path to self mastery / Kenneth Meadows.
Secrets of the sacred white buffalo : Native American healing remedies, rites & rituals / Gary Null.
The medicine wheel garden : creating sacred space for healing, celebration, and tranquility / E. Barrie Kavasch.
An Apache life-way; the economic, social, and religious institutions of the Chiricahua Indians.
Spirit Talker: North American Indian Medicine Powers/ William S. Lyon.
Healing songs of the American Indians.
Pacific Northwest Medicine Songs of the Four Seasons [sound recording] / produced by Gregory P. Fields.
Navaho classification of their song ceremonials / by Leland C. Wyman and Clyde Kluckhohn.
Rolling Thunder : a personal exploration into the secret healing powers of an American Indian medicine man / by Doug Boyd.

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