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Results 11 - 20 of 143 (page 2 of 15)
Spirit game : pride of a nation / written and directed by Peter Spirer and Peter Baxter ; produced by Chris Brewster and Peter Spirer ; [XLrator Media presents a One Bowl Productions film, in association with Onondaga Nation and the Haudenosaunee].
Rumble : the Indians who rocked the world / a Rezolution Pictures film ; directed by Catherine Bainbridge ; produced by Catherine Bainbridge, Christina Fon, Linda Ludwick, Lisa M. Roth ; written by Catherine Bainbridge & Alfonso Maiorana ; produced in association with The Movie Network ; produced in association with Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.
Marathon for Justice / an EmpathyWorks Films production; directed, produced, edited and filmed by Brian McDermott.
Red power energy / produced, written & directed by Lisa D. Olken ; directed by Larry Pourier ; director of photography Charles 'Boots' Kennedye ; editor Dave Wruck ; narrated by Tristan Ahtone.
Navajo math circles / produced by Zala Films and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute as a presentation of Vision Maker Media ; a film by George Csicsery ; produced and directed by George Paul Csicsery.
The brainwashing of my dad / JSenko Productions in association with Cinco Dedos Peliculas presents ; a film by Jen Senko and Matthew Modine.
What was ours / Independent Lens ; ITVS and Vision Maker Media present ; an Alpheus Media production ; a film by Mat Hames ; directed and produced by Mat Hames ; executive producer Beth Hames.
Medicine woman / producer, director, writer, Christine M. Lesiak ; producer, researcher, director, Princella P. RedCorn ; produced by NET Television ; a presentation of Vision Maker Media ; with major funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
A century of Coast Salish history : oral history, songs & stories / Pauline Hillaire, Scälla of the Killer Whale ; a production of the WoRKS Group in cooperation with the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University ; produced by Gregory P. Fields.
The Doctrine of Discovery : unmasking the domination code / 38 Plus 2 Productions presents [a film] produced and directed by Sheldon P. Wolfchild.

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