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Results 11 - 20 of 81 (page 2 of 9)
Encyclopedia of Native American healing / William S. Lyon.
Iwígara : American Indian ethnobotanical traditions and science / Enrique Salmón.
Indian herbalogy of North America / Alma R. Hutchens.
Native plants, native healing : traditional Muskogee way / Tis Mal Crow.
Sacred sage, how it heals / [Wendy Whiteman].
The world we used to live in : remembering the powers of the medicine men / Vine Deloria, Jr.
From the earth to beyond the sky : Native American medicine / Evelyn Wolfson ; illustrated by Jennifer Hewitson.
Native American medicine / Tamra Orr.
Native North American shamanism : an annotated bibliography / compiled by Shelley Anne Osterreich.
Blackfoot physics : a journey into the Native American worldview / F. David Peat.

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