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Results 21 - 30 of 33 (page 3 of 4)
A Kiowa's odyssey : a sketchbook from Fort Marion / edited and introduced by Phillip Earenfight ; with contributions by Janet Catherine Berlo [and others].
The year of magical thinking / Joan Didion.
Crazy Horse and Chief Red Cloud : warrior chiefs-- Teton Oglalas / Ed McGaa, J.D., Eagle Man with Dr. John Bryde and John McGaa, M.S. ; editors, Diane Elliott and Linda Stevenson ; cover illustrated by Marie Buchfink.
Potlatch people : Indian lives & legends of British Columbia / Mildred Valley Thornton.
Birth & rebirth on an Alaskan island : the life of an Alutiiq healer / Joanne B. Mulcahy ; foreword by Gordon L. Pullar.
Paddling her own canoe : the times and texts of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) / Veronica Strong-Boag and Carole Gerson.
Once they moved like the wind : Cochise, Geronimo, and the Apache wars / David Roberts.
Charles M. Russell / Peter H. Hassrick.
The living tradition of Maria Martinez / Susan Peterson.
As far as I know : reminiscences of an Ahousat elder / by Peter S. Webster ; illustrated by Kwayatsapalth.

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