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Mountain of the condor : metaphor and ritual in an Andean ayllu

Call Number: F 3320.2 .C3 B37 1978
Eskimo kinsmen : changing family relationships in northwest Alaska

Call Number: E 99 .I58 S7 B87 1975
Valley of the spirits the Upper Skagit Indians of western Washington

Call Number: E 99 .S627 C65 1974
The mound builders: agricultural practices, environment, and society in the central highlands of New Guinea

Call Number: GN 425 .W33 1972
Tiwi wives a study of the women of Melville Island, North Australia

Call Number: GN 481 .G6 1971
Black Carib household structure a study of migration and modernization

Call Number: E 51 .A55 G66 1969 v. 48