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Publications on fish parasites and diseases, 330 B.C. - A.D. 1923

Call Number: Z 7996 .F5 M34 1963
Number and lengths, by season, of fishes caught with an otter trawl near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1961 to December 1962

Call Number: SH 344.6 .T7 B78 1971
Apparent abundance, distribution, and migrations of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, on the North Pacific longline grounds

Call Number: SH 351 .T8 R68 1970
The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the northeastern Pacific

Call Number: QL 638.9 .A48 1963
Distribution and relative abundance of commercially important pandalid shrimps in the northeastern Pacific Ocean

Call Number: SH 380.6 .R66 1963
Inventory of U.S. exploratory longline fishing effort and catch rates for tunas and swordfish in the northwestern Atlantic, 1957-65

Call Number: SH 351 .T8 W55 1967