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The Pacific Northwest [by] Stewart Holbrook, Nard Jones [and] Roderick Haig-Brown.
Northwest mileposts : Idaho, Oregon, Washington, western Montana, southwestern Canada.
The Pacific Northwest : a guide to the evergreen playground / by Herbert S. Zim and Natt N. Dodge ; Illus. by Dorothea and Sy Barlowe [and others].
From the Puget lowland to east of the Cascade Range : geologic excursions in the Pacific Northwest / edited by Ralph A. Haugerud, Harvey M. Kelsey.
The Great Northwest; a history.
Reptiles of the Northwest / text, photographs and drawings by Alan St. John.
The hidden Northwest / Robert Cantwell.
Empire of the Columbia : a history of the Pacific Northwest / by Dorothy O. Johansen and Charles M. Gates.
Land of giants : the drive to the Pacific Northwest, 1750-1950 / by David Lavender.
Young Northwest; illus. by Harold L. Price.

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