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Results 41 - 50 of 518 (page 5 of 52)
Neighborhood frontiers: desert country, Puget Sound country, Yucatan Peninsula, Yaqui River, barranca country.
Alaska calling; a laugh on every page.
British Columbia's coast : the Canadian inside passage / [edited by Liz Bryan].
Michigan's land and song of Hiawatha.
Adventures in the Apache country : a tour through Arizona and Sonora, 1864 / J. Ross Browne ; illustrated by the author.--Re-edition with introd., annotations and index / by Donald M. Powell.
Marin, the place, the people : profile of a California county / text by Jane Futcher ; photography and design by Robert Conover.
Adventures of Captain Bonneville / by Washington Irving ; llustrations by Robert A. Reynolds.
Time travel in Einstein's universe : the physical possibilities of travel through time / J. Richard Gott, III.
Mount Rainier : notes & images from our iconic mountain / photography by James Martin ; text by John Harlin, III.
Millennium / Gladden Entertainment presents ; produced by Douglas Leiterman ; screenplay by John Varley ; directed by Michael Anderson.

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