General Note:
This edition previously published: The Dakota or Sioux in Minnesota as they were in 1834. St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1986.
Originally published: The Dakotas or Sioux in Minnesota as they were in 1834, in Collections of the Minnesota Historical Society ; v. 12 (1908).
Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Introduction / Gary Clayton Anderson -- Preface -- Subdivisions of the Dakotas in Minnesota -- The chiefs -- White men and half-breeds -- Food, agriculture, game and fish -- Dress and ornaments -- Dwellings and furniture -- Tools and weapons; manufactures -- Domestic animals -- The deer-hunt -- Sugar making and fur hunting -- Summer occupations -- Warlike pursuits -- Industry of the hunter and farmer compared -- Government -- Laws -- Personal appearance -- Natural disposition -- Vices and crimes -- Language and picture writing -- Oratory -- Poetry -- Music and musical instruments -- Notation -- Standards of measure -- Religion and worship -- The medicine dance -- Wakan feasts -- The feast of raw fish -- Heyoka feast -- The sun dance -- Thunder dance -- Making a bear -- The elk dance -- The vapor bath -- Sacrifices and offerings -- Jugglery -- Superstitions -- Belief in immortality -- Recreations -- Gambling -- Social feasts -- The war dance -- Smoking -- Wars -- Marriage customs -- Social and industrial condition of women -- Treatment and education of children -- Personal names -- Adultery and fornication -- Cleanliness -- Swimming -- Diseases -- Insanity -- Deformity and idiocy -- Surgery and medicine -- Burial customs and mourning -- Traffic and presents -- Traditions - Concluding remarks -- Index.