General Note:
"Up-dated edition, containing two reference works prepared by 125 distinguished scholars under the direction of the U.S. Bureau of the Census with the cooperation of the Social Science Research Council: Historical statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1957, published 1960, and Continuation to 1962 and revisions, published in 1965."
"A companion volume to U.S. deskbook of facts & statistics."
Includes index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Acknowledgments for chapter contributions -- Source notes for continuations and revisions -- Cross-reference index to statistical abstract -- Introduction -- Corrections -- A. Population -- B. Vital statistics and health and medical care -- C. Migration -- D. Labor -- E. Prices and price indexes -- F. National income and wealth -- G. Consumer income and expenditures -- H. Social statistics -- J. Land water and climate -- K. Agriculture -- L. Forestry and fisheries -- M. Minerals -- N. Construction and housing -- P. Manufactures -- Q. Transportation -- R. Communications -- S. Power -- T. Distribution and services -- U. Foreign trade and other international transactions -- V. Business enterprise -- W. Productivity and technological development -- X. Banking and finance -- Y. Government -- Z. Colonial statistics.