General Note:
"First published 1998"--T.p. verso.
Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Formatted Contents Note:
Ecology and biogeography of Pinus : an introduction / D.M. Richardson and Philip W. Rundel -- Phylogeny and systematics of Pinus / Robert A. Price, Aaron Liston and Steven H. Strauss -- Early evolution of pines / Constance I. Millar -- The late Quaternary dynamics of pines in northern Asia / Constantin V. Kremenetski, Kam-biu Liu and Glen M. MacDonald -- The late Quaternary dynamics of pines in Europe / Katherine J. Willis, Keith D. Bennett and H. John B. Birks -- The late Quaternary dynamics of pines in northern North America / G.M. MacDonald, Les C. Cwynar and Cathy Whitlock -- The history of pines in Mexico and Central America / Jesse P. Perry, Jr., Alan Graham and D.M. Richardson -- Pines of the Mediterranean Basin / Marcel Barbéro ... [et al.] -- The recent history of pinyon pines in the American Southwest / Ronald M. Lanner and Thomas R. Van Devender -- Macroecological limits to the abundance and distribution of Pinus / George C. Stevens and Brian J. Enquist -- Fire and pine ecosystems / James K. Agee -- Evolution of life histories in Pinus / Jon E. Keeley and Paul H. Zedler -- Genetic variation in Pinus / F. Thomas Ledig -- Seed dispersal in Pinus / R.M. Lanner -- Ecophysiology of Pinus / P.W. Rundel and Barbara J. Yoder -- The mycorrhizal status of Pinus / David J. Read -- Effects of pines on soil properties and processes / Mary C. Scholes and Thomas E. Nowicki -- Insect-pine interactions / Peter de Groot and Jean J. Turgeon -- Diseases and the ecology of indigenous and exotic pines / Thomas C. Harrington and Michael J. Wingfield -- Pines in cultivation : a global view / D.C. Le Maitre -- Pinus radiata : a narrow endemic from North America takes on the world / Peter B. Lavery and Donald J. Mead -- Pines as invaders in the southern hemisphere / D.M. Richardson and Steven I. Higgins.