The coyote / by Mark Twain -- A berry feast / by Gary Snyder -- Coyote goes to a dance / by Mamie Offield and William Bright -- Coyote's homecoming / by Chester Pepper and William Bright -- Telling about Coyote / by Simon Ortiz -- Coyote and friends ; How her teeth were pulled / by Jarold Ramsey -- Coyote established fishing taboos / by Charles Cultee and Franz Boas, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote lays down the law / by Nettie Reuben and William Bright -- Coyote gives birth / by Tony Tillohash and Edward Sapir, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote places the stars / by Hamilton Tyler --Fivefold fanfare for cover / by Dell Hymes -- Coyote steals a drink / by Julia Starritt and William Bright -- Coyote eats grasshoppers / by Chester Pepper and William Bright -- Coyote cooks his daughter / by Rosinda Nolasquez and Jane H. Hill, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote turns into driftwood / by Nettie Reuben and William Bright -- Coyote and Beaver exchange wives / by William Brandon -- Coyote sucks himself / by Victoria Howard and Melville Jacobs, adapted by Dell Hymes -- Coyote in love / by Bruce Bennett -- Coyote Man and Saucy Duckfeather / by Peter Blue Cloud --
Coyote steals fire / by Julia Starritt and William Bright -- "What stinks?" / by Leslie Silko -- Trickster / by Wendy Rose -- Coyote baptizes the chickens / by Alejandrina Murillo Melendres, María Aldama, and Leanne Hinton, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote and the prairie dogs / by Yellowman, with Barre Toelken and Tacheeni Scott -- Muddy prints on mohair / by Peter Coyote -- Sex, fingers, and death / by Sam Batwi and Edward Sapir, adapted by William Bright -- First woman invents compassion / by Jarold Ramsey -- Coyote starts upriver / by Nettie Reuben and William Bright -- Coyote continues upriver / by Julia Starritt and William Bright -- Coyote and badger / by Charles Cultee and Franz Boas, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote tricks Grey Fox / by Rudolph Kane, Katherine Davenport, and Larry Evers -- Two coyotes / by Harry Wheeler and Haruo Aoki, adapted by William Bright -- Coyote and the gypsies ; Coyote's metaphysics / by Bruce Bennett -- Frybread story ; Coyote, Coyote, please tell me / by Peter Blue Cloud -- Coyote Rōshi Goroku / by Robert Aitken --
Coyote marries his own daughter / by Julia Starritt and William Bright -- Coyote on the beach / by Nettie Reuben and William Bright -- Coyote / by Will Staple -- The incredible survival of Coyote / by Gary Snyder -- Coyote's epilogue to the telling / by Jarold Ramsey -- Spearfish sequence / by Dell Hymes -- Song for the First People / by David Wagoner.