The effect of variation among floral traits on the flower constancy of pollinators / Robert J. Gegear and Terence M. Laverty -- Behavioral and neural mechanisms of learning and memory as determinants of flower constancy / Randolf Menzel -- Subjective evaluation and choice behavior by nectar- and pollen-collecting bees / Keith D. Waddington -- Honeybee vision and floral displays: from detection to close-up recognition / Martin Giurfa and Miriam Lehrer -- Floral scent, olfaction, and scent-driven foraging behavior / Robert A. Raguso -- Adaptation, constraint, and chance in the evolution of flower color and pollinator color vision / Lars Chittka, Johannes Spaethe, Annette Schmidt, Anja Hickelsberger -- Foraging and spatial learning in hummingbirds / Susan D. Healy and T. Andrew Hurly -- Bats as pollinators: foraging energetics and floral adaptations / York Winter and Otto von Helversen -- Vision and learning in some neglected pollinators: beetles, flies, moths, and butterflies / Martha R. Weiss -- Pollinator individuality: when does it matter? / James D. Thomson and Lars Chittka -- Effects of predation risk on pollinators and plants / Reuven Dukas -- Pollinator preference, frequency dependence, and floral evolution / Ann Smithson -- Pollinator-mediated assortative mating: causes and consequences / Kristina Niovi Jones -- Behavioural responses of pollinators to variation in floral display size and their influences on the evolution of floral traits / Kazuharu Ohashi and Tetsukazu Yahara -- The effects of floral design and display on pollinator economics and pollen dispersal / Lawrence D. Harder, Neal M. Williams, Crispin Y. Jordan and William A. Nelson -- Pollinator behavior and plant speciation: looking beyond the "ethological isolation" paradigm / Nickolas M. Waser.