Ch. 1. A look at trauma: simple and complex -- Ch. 2. Before doing the work: safety, security, and intention -- Ch. 3. Identifying and writing about what has happened to you -- Ch. 4. Helping yourself when you reexperience a trauma -- Ch. 5. Coping with trauma with less avoidance and denial -- Ch. 6. The physical side of PTSD -- Ch. 7. Dealing with associated symptoms of PTSD: Guilt, survivor guilt, shame, and loss -- Ch. 8. Difficulty regulating emotion (complex PTSD, category 1) -- Ch. 9. Alterations in attention or consciousness: dealing with dissociation and traumatic amnesia (complex PTSD, category 2) -- Ch. 10. Somatization: how trauma impacts your body (complex PTSD, category 3) -- Ch. 11. How trauma impacts the way you view yourself (complex PTSD, category 4) -- Ch. 12. Dealing with your perpetrators (complex PTSD, category 5) -- Ch. 13. Alterations in your relationships with others (complex PTSD, category 6) -- Ch. 14. Finding meaning (complex PTSD, category 7) -- Ch. 15. Final thoughts and exercises.