Introduction to standardized sampling / Scott A. Bonar, Salvador Contreras-Balderas, and Alison C. Iles -- Warmwater fish in small standing waters / Kevin L. Pope, Robert M. Neumann, and Scott D. Bryan -- Warmwater fish in large standing waters / L.E. / Steve Miranda and Jeff Boxrucker -- Warmwater fish in wadeable streams / Charles F. Rabeni, John Lyons, Norman Mercado-Silva, and James T. Peterson -- Warmwater fish in rivers / Christopher S. Guy, Patrick J. Braaten, David P. Herzog, John Pitlo, and R. Scott Rogers -- Coldwater fish in small standing waters / Nigel P. Lester, Paul E. Bailey, and Wayne A. Hubert -- Coldwater fish in large standing waters / David A. Beauchamp, Donna L. Parrish, and Roy A. Whaley -- Coldwater fish in wadeable streams / Jason B. Dunham, Amanda E. Rosenberger, Russell F. Thurow, C. Andrew Dolloff, and Philip J. Howell -- Coldwater fish in rivers / R. Allen Curry, Robert M. Hughes, Mark E. McMaster, and David J. Zafft -- Warmwater and coldwater fish in two-story standing waters / Phaedra Budy, Gary P. Thiede, Chris Luecke, and Roger W. Schneidervin -- Statistical analysis and data management / Michael C. Quist, Kimberly I. Bonvechio, and Micheal S. Allen -- Converting nonstandard fish sampling data to standardized data / James T. Peterson and Craig P. Paukert -- Controlling the spread of invasive species while sampling / Stewart Jacks, Steve Sharon, Ronald E. Kinnunen, David K. Britton, Doug Jensen, and Scott S. Smith -- Standardizing electrofishing power for boat electrofishing / L.E. / Steve Miranda -- Length frequency, condition, growth, and catch per effort indices for common North American fishes / Mark J. Brouder, Alison C. Iles, and Scott A. Bonar -- Appendix A: Descriptions of standard North American inland fish sampling equipment and fish communities for which they are used -- Appendix B: Glossary of terms -- Appendix C: Conversions commonly used by fisheries biologists.