1. Introduction : transculturation and the accumulation of social capital : understanding histories and decoding the present of young people / Dirk Hoerder, Yvonne Hebert and Irina Schmitt -- 2. Where do I belong? : integration policy and patterns of identification among migrant youth in three European countries / Susanne Worbs -- 3. Roots of xenophobia and violence against migrants : personality, parents, pedagogues, peers, and emotions / Klaus Wahl -- 4. Transfer and transformation : collective identities and religious belonging of Turkish immigrants in Germany / Rosemarie Sackmann -- 5. New frontiers of identity among young adults of Salvadorian, Chilean, and Vietnamese origin in Montreal / Anne Laperriere, Sara LaTour and Carlos Segura -- 6. Transculturalism among Canadian youth : focus on strategic competence and social capital / Yvonne Hebert -- 7. Flexible spaces or demarcated turf : young people's views of their lives and belongings in two neighbourhoods in Hamburg, Germany / Dirk Hoerder -- 8. Cultural transfer or cultural creation : a case study of students 'issues de l'immigration' in Paris / Dirk Hoerder -- 9. Focusing on children and youth : social capital's role in educational outcomes in the context of immigration and diversity / Yvonne Hebert, Shirley Xiaohong Sun and Eugene Kowch -- 10. Social and cultural capital, ethnic identity, and educational qualifications / Tariq Modood -- 11. Germany speaking? : rap and kanak attack, and dominant discourses on language / Irina Schmitt -- 12. The global and the local in migrants' experiences : multiple social spaces in a long-term perspective / Dirk Hoerder.