In the days of creation: The emergence (Zuni) -- The flood (Zuni) -- The monster slayers (Zuni) -- The woman who fell from the sky (Seneca) -- The earthdiver (Mono) -- Olelbis (Wintun) -- The Blackfoot genesis (Blackfoot) -- The Winnebago origin myth (Winnebago) -- In the beginning of the Nisqually world (Puget Sound) -- Sun Sister and Moon Brother (Eskimo) -- Sedna, mistress of the underworld (Puget Sound) -- Raven (Tlingit) -- The theft of light (Tsimshian) -- The bird whose wings made the wind (Micmac) -- The release of the wild animals (Comanche) -- The empounded water (Malecite) -- The lizard-hand (Yokuts) -- The twins alter the book of life (Winnebago) -- The origin of the Pleiades (Onondaga) -- How old age came into the world (Modoc).
Trickster: From the Winnebago Trickster Cycle (Winnebago) -- Hare's adventures (Winnebago) -- The deceived blind men (Menominee) -- The theft from the sun (Blackfoot) -- The eye juggler (Cheyenne) -- The Big Turtle's war party (Pawnee) -- The sky has fallen (Zuni).
Tales of heroes, supernatural journeys, and other folktales: The sun tests his son-in-law (Bellacoola) -- Lodge-boy and Thrown-away (Crow) -- Dirty-boy (Okanagon) -- The jealous uncle (Eskimo) -- The man who acted as the sun (Bellacoola) -- Orpheus (Cherokee) -- The man who brought his wife back from Spiritland (Winnebago) -- Coyote and Eagle visit the land of the dead (Wishram) -- The arrow chain (Tlingit) -- The girls who wished to marry stars (Ojibwa) -- The girl enticed to the sky (Arapaho) -- The stretching tree (Chilcotin) -- The piqued Buffalo-wife (Blackfoot) -- The Dog-husband (Quinault) -- The girl who married a dog (Cheyenne) -- The two sisters (Wintun) -- Rolling skull (Zuni) -- Water Jar Boy (Tewa) -- The storytelling stone (Seneca) -- How chipmunks got their stripes (Senceca) -- Bat (Modoc) -- Strong man who holds up the sky (Tsimshian) -- The faster (Winnebago) -- Who is the strongest? (Zuni).