Formatted Contents Note:
TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Roman and Saxon England to 1042 -- Pre-Roman Britain -- Roman Britain -- Saxon England -- Early medieval England: 1042-1327 -- Anglo-Norman society -- Feudal monarchy -- Religion in art and learning -- War and breakdown: 1327-1529 -- Edward III and war with France -- Succession and violence -- The recovery of political order -- The reformation: 1529-1570 -- Council and parliament -- Divorce and the break with Rome -- The Protestant beginning -- Government and society -- Oceanic expansion and internal tensions: 1570-1640 -- England and the oceans -- Early Stuart England -- Social and cultural change -- Revolution and consolidation: 1640-1714 -- The search for a new order -- The restoration -- The achievement of stability -- The eighteenth century -- A world power -- The age of revolutions -- The English enlightenment -- Industry and empire: 1815-1914 -- The Industrial Revolution -- The Pax Britannica -- The fullness of empire -- The malaise of total war: 1914-1964 -- Violence and waste -- The strain of global war -- Anger and nostalgia.