Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Contents Note:
pt. 1. Introduction -- Introduction to Navajo astronomy -- Introduction to Greek astronomy -- Introduction to Space Science -- pt. 2. Comparative astronomy -- Náhookos constellation -- Náhookos Bi'ka'/Ursa Major -- Náhookos Bi'áád/Cassiopeia -- Náhookos Biko'/Polaris -- Dilyéhé/Pleiades -- Hubble : Bernard's Merope nebula -- Átsé Ets' ózí/Orion -- Hubble : Horsehead nebula -- Hastiin Sik'aí'ií/Corvus -- Átsé Etsoh/Scorpius, top half -- Gah Hahat'ee/ Scorpius, lower half -- Yikáísdáhá/The Miky Way -- Ii'ni/Pegasus and Leo -- Shash/Sagittarius -- Tsetah Dibé/Cancer -- Hubble : Star AU Microscopii -- Tłish Tsoh/Canis Major -- Ma'ii Bizo'/Argo Navis -- Hubble : the Eagle nebula -- Jo'hanaa'éí/the Sun -- Tł'éhonaa'éí/the Moon -- Calendrical comparison : Navajo and Western months -- pt. 3. Resources -- Glossary -- Navajo pronunciation guide -- Constellation location guide -- Selected bibliography -- Acknowledgments -- Art and photography credits.