Protecton of aquatic biodiversity : will we meet the chjallenge / David P. Philipp [and others] -- Protection of aquatic biodiversity / Nils Ryman, Fred Utter, and Linda Laikre -- A common conservation ethic : communicating the way towards protection and sustainable use of aquatic biodiversity / Anne R. Kapuscinski -- Genetic effects of stock transfers of fish / Robin S. Waples -- Impacts of aquaculture and hatcheries on wild fish / Kjetil Hindar and Bror Jonsson -- Policy and socioeconomic aspects of aquatic biological diversity conservation / Devin M. Bartley -- Integrated pest management in freshwater systems--lessons for the zebra mussel invasion in North America / J. Ellen Marsden -- Reproductive success and the genetic threat of cultured fish to wild populations / Ian A. Fleming -- Diversity below the species level : biochemical evidence for adaptation among largemouth bass stocks / David P. Philipp [and others] -- The effects of introduced fishes on native fishes : Arizona, southwestern United States / John N. Rinne -- Implementation of the EIFAC/ICES code of practice : experiences with the evaluation of international fish transfers into the Sepik River basin, Papua New Guinea / David Coates -- Introductions, chief elements of native freshwater fish degradation, and use of indices and coefficients in quantifying the situation in Italy / Pier Giorgio Bianco -- Biological and human dimensions of strategies for conserving aquatic biodiversity / Eric M. Hallerman and John M. Epifanio -- Species introductions in the aquatic environment : changes in biodiversity and economics of exploitation / Marco L. Bianchini -- Can biodiversity survive European fisheries management? / Indrani Lutchman -- The endangered fish species of Nigeria / E.A. Adesulu -- Diversity and habitat of ornamental fishes in the Rio Negro, Brazil : exploitation and conservation issues / Ning Labbish Chao and Saúl Prada-Pedreros -- Freshwater fishes introduced in Spain and relationships with autochthonous species / Benigno Elvira -- Are introduced species the right answer to declining inland fisheries within the Mediterranean region? / Alain J. Crivelli -- The Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, infecting Plagopterus argentissimus and other endangered fish species in the Virgin River, Utah and Nevada / Richard A. Heckmann, Paul D. Greger, and Robert C. Furtek -- Overview of experimental stocking program for shortnose sturgeon in the southeastern United States / Theodore I.J. Smith [and others] -- The impact of natural invasion and an exotic introduction on the ichthyofauna of Laguna de Terminos, Campeche, Mexico / Miguel A. Olvera [and others].