Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
A philosophical perspective on the ethics and resolution of cultural property issues / Karen J. Warren -- Ancestral sites, shrines, and graves : Native American perspectives on the ethics of collecting cultural properties / Deborah L. Nichols, Anthony L. Klesert, Roger Anyon -- Profiteers and public archaeology : antiquities trafficking in Arkansas / Ann M. Early -- The battle for the Maya past : the effects of international looting and collecting in Belize / David M. Pendergast and Elizabeth Graham -- Considering the perspective of the victim : the antiquities of Nepal / David Sassoon -- The murals of Teotihuacan : a case study of negotiated restitution / Thomas K. Seligman -- The museum and cultural property : the transformation of institutional ethics / Alan Shestack -- Collecting pre-Columbian art / Gillett G. Griffin -- International control efforts : are there any good solutions? / Ellen Herscher -- U.S. implementation of the UNESCO cultural property convention / Ann Guthrie Hingston -- From the collector's perspective : the legality of importing pre-Columbian art and artifacts / Leo J. Harris -- What is "stolen"? the McClain case revisited / Douglas C. Ewing -- The need for enforcing regulations on the international art trade / Charles S. Koczka -- Cultural property and national sovereignty / Jaime Litvak King -- Highlights of a round table discussion and some recent developments in the cultural heritage arena / Phyllis Mauch Messenger -- Conclusion : working together to preserve our past / George E. Stuart -- Appendix: Some domestic and international laws and regulations and their enforcers / compiled by Charles S. Koczka.