Record Details

Enlarge cover image for Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago : the sky islands of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico : September 19-23, 1994, Tucson, Arizona / technical coordinators, Leonard F. DeBano [and others] ; sponsors, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture [and] School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona ; [the Madrean Archipelago/Sky Islands Conference]. Book

Biodiversity and management of the Madrean Archipelago : the sky islands of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico : September 19-23, 1994, Tucson, Arizona / technical coordinators, Leonard F. DeBano [and others] ; sponsors, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S. Department of Agriculture [and] School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona ; [the Madrean Archipelago/Sky Islands Conference].

Record details

  • Physical Description: vi, 669 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
  • Publisher: Fort Collins, Colo. (240 W. Prospect Rd., Fort Collins 80526) : The Station, [1995]

Content descriptions

General Note:
Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche.
"July 1995."
Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Contents Note:
The Sky Island Conference : looking back, looking ahead / Peter F. Ffolliott and Leonard F. DeBano -- The Madrean Sky Island Archipelago : a planetary overview / Peter Warshall -- Prominence of the Sierra Madre Occidental in the biological diversity of Mexico / Robert Bye -- The USDA Forest Service perspective on ecosystem management / David G. Unger -- Relationship of research to management in the Madrean Archipelago region / Peter F. Ffolliott, Leonard F. DeBano, and Alfredo Ortega-Rubio -- Northern Sierra Madre Occidental and its Apachian outliers : a neglected center of biodiversity / Richard S. Felger and Michael F. Wilson -- An overview of the flora of the Sky Islands, southeastern Arizona : diversity, affinities, and insularity / Steven P. McLaughlin -- Trees of the northern Sierra Madre Occidental and Sky Islands of southwestern North America / Richard S. Felger and Matthew B. Johnson -- Geographic variation in plant species richness : lessons from the Sonoran Desert, USA and Mexico, and Northern Territory, Australia / Tony L. Burgess, Julio L. Betancourt, and John R. Busby -- Landscape complexity, soil development, and vegetational diversity within a Sky Island piedmont : a field trip guide to Mt. Lemmon and San Pedro Valley / Joseph R. McAuliffe and Tony L. Burgess -- A classification system and map of the biotic communities of North America / David E. Brown, Frank Reichenbacher, and Susan E. Franson -- Another jewel in the crown : a report on the flora of the Sierra de los Ajos, Sonora, Mexico / Mark Fishbein, Richard Felger, and Florentino Garza -- Flora of the Huachuca Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona / Janice E. Bowers and Steven P. McLaughlin -- Flora of the woodlands of the Sierra de la Laguna, Baja California Sur, Mexico / Jose Luis Leon de la Luz, Raymundo Dominguez Cadena, Miguel Dominguez Leon, and Rocio Coria Benet -- Forests and woodlands of the Sky Islands : stand characteristics and silvicultural prescriptions / Gerald J. Gottfried, Peter F. Ffolliott, and Leonard F. DeBano -- Temperate pines of northern Mexico : their use, abuse, and regeneration / James T. Fisher, Patrick A. Glass, and John T. Harrington -- Dynamics of the landscape patches in the old growth forest on Mount Graham (Pinaleno Mountains), Arizona / Duncan T. Patten and Juliet C. Stromberg -- Potential effects of climate change on lower treelines in the southwestern United States / Jake F. Weltzin and Guy R. McPherson -- Factors affecting the distribution, pollination ecology, and evolution of Agave chrysantha and Agave palmeri / Liz Slauson -- Conservation of Madrean Archipelago and regional forest development projects in Mexico / Luis A. Bojorquez-Tapia, L.A. Pena, C. Alvarez, Ivan Azuara, M. Alquicira, and A. Ramirez -- Persistence of uncommon cryopedic plants in the Chiricahua Mountains spruce forest island / W.H. Moir -- Characteristics and consequences of invasion by sweet resin bush into the arid southwestern United States / Elizabeth A. Pierson and Joseph R. McAuliffe -- One hundred years of vicissitude : terrestrial bird and mammal distribution changes in the American Southwest, 1890-1990 / David E. Brown and Russell Davis -- The decline of bighorn sheep in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona / Paul R. Krausman, William W Shaw, Richard C. Etchberger, and Lisa K. Harris -- Introduced aquatic vertebrates in the Chiricahua region : effects on declining native ranid frogs / Philip C. Rosen, Cecil R. Schwalbe, David A. Parizek Jr., Peter A. Holm, and Charles H. Lowe -- Aspects of the life history and ecology of the Sonoran mud turtle in southeastern Arizona / Richard C. van Loben Sels, Justin D. Congdon, and Josiah T. Austin -- Unisexual lizards (genus Cnemidophorus) of the Madrean Archipelago / Charles J. Cole and Herbert C. Dessauer -- Bats of the Madrean Archipelago (Sky Islands) : current knowledge, future directions / Sarah L. Schmidt and David C. Dalton -- Ecological relationships of the thick-billed parrot with the pine forests of southeastern Arizona / Noel F.R. Snyder, Susan Koenig, and Terry B. Johnson -- Use of species/area equations to estimate potential species richness of bats on inadequately surveyed montane islands / Ronnie Sidner and Russell Davis -- Diversity and importance of native bees from the Arizona/Mexico Madrean Archipelago / Stephen L. Buchmann -- Temporal variation in pollinator abundance and pollinator foraging behavior in response to robbed flowers / Sarah C. Richardson -- Phylogeny and biogeography of the land snail, Sonorella, in the Madrean Archipelago / Robert D. McCord -- Helminths of Yarrow's spiny lizard in the Madrean Archipelago / Stephen R. Goldberg, Charles R. Bursey, and Robert L. Bezy -- Hydrology and watershed management in the Madrean Archipelago / Malchus B. Baker Jr., Leonard F. DeBano, and Peter F. Ffolliott -- Riparian zones : neither mountain nor desert / Jack Whetstone -- The research program of the Southwest Watershed Research Center / Kenneth G. Renard and Leonard J. Lane -- A growth and yield model of emory oak : applications on watersheds in southwestern United States / Wm. Patrick Fowler and Peter F. Ffolliott -- Sky Island aquatic resources : habitats and refugia for native fishes / John N. Rinne -- Status of Gila topminnow, and results of monitoring the fish community in Redrock Canyon, Coronado National Forest, 1979-1993 / Jerome A. Stefferud and Sally E. Stefferud -- Yaqui River fishes relevant to the Madrean Province : U.S.-Mexico collaborations / Francisco J. Abarca, Kirk L. Young, Buddy L. Jensen, Ivan Parra, Robert H. Bettaso, and Kevin Cobble -- Conservation and management of Madrean populations of the Chiracahua leopard frog / Michael J. Sredl and Jeffrey M. Howland -- Fire management in the Sky Islands / Larry S. Allen -- Fire and vegetation in a Madrean oak woodland, Santa Catalina Mountains, southeastern Arizona / Anthony C. Caprio and Malcolm J. Zwolinski -- Fire history in the Pinaleno Mountains of southeastern Arizona : effects of human-related disturbances / Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, Christopher II Baisan, and Thomas W. Swetnam -- Comparison of fire regimes and stand structures in unharvested Petran and Madrean pine forests / Peter Z. Fule and W. Wallace Covington.
Forest stand structure in mountains of Sonora, Mexico and New Mexico, USA / Jose Villanueva-Diaz and Guy R. McPherson -- Postfire regeneration in Arizona's giant saguaro shrub community / R.C. Wilson, M.G. Narog, A.L. Koonce, and B.M. Corcoran -- The National Center of Sustainable Agriculture in Mexico / Ramon Claveran Alonzo -- Ecological impacts of cattle grazing on the vegetation, soils, and wildlife of the mountains of Sonora / Donald Johnson -- Biodiversity versus mining : a collision of priorities in Cave Creek Canyon / Noel F.R. Snyder, Karen A. Hayes, and David A. Mullon Jr. -- Comparison of methods for assessing genetic diversity in plants : applications in conservation biology / Glenn R. Furnier -- Obstacles to achieving federal land management goals : the disjunction between planning and funding : a case study of the Coronado National Forest, Arizona / Paul W. Hirt -- Management practices to benefit Gould's turkeys in the Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico / Sanford D. Schemnitz and Mark L. Zornes -- Management and conservation at the most important Sky Island of Baja California Sur / Alfredo Ortega-Rubio -- Prescribed burning as a management tool for Sky Island bioregion wetlands, with reference to the management of the endangered orchid Spiranthes delitescens / Mark Fishbein, Dave Gori, and Donya Meggs -- A conservation agreement for the Wet Canyon talussnail, Graham County, Arizona / Jerome A. Stefferud and Debra T. Bills -- The formation and history of the Malpai Borderlands Group / Bill McDonald -- Sky Islands : gloom or glory / Ervin H. Zube -- From Casas Grandes to Casa Grande : prehistoric human impacts in the Sky Islands of southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico / Patricia M. Spoerl and John C. Ravesloot -- Ethnoecology of the Lone Mountain/San Rafael Valley ecosystem / Thomas E. Sheridan and Diana Hadley -- Ecotourism and the Madrean Archipelago / David A. King and Brian Czech -- Fuelwood harvesting in the Sky Islands of southeastern Arizona / Duane A. Bennett -- Preserve design for maintaining biodiversity in the Sky Island region / Dale S. Turner, Susan Brandes, Mark Fishbein, and Paul W. Hirt -- Ecosystem management planning in the Forest Service's Southwestern Region / Arthur S. Briggs and Cathy Dahms -- A nature reserve system for the Gila River-Sky Island region of Arizona and New Mexico : some preliminary suggestions / Tony Povilitis -- Ecosystem planning in the upper watersheds of the San Pedro and Santa Cruz Rivers of the Coronado National Forest / Jeanne Wade, Jennifer M. Ruyle, and Paul T. Deecken -- Conservation opportunities in borderlands : the Arizona-Sonora perspective / Francisco J. Abarca, Raymond M. Lee, and James C. de Vos Jr. -- Wolves and grass : a watershed perspective on the Mexican wolf recovery plan / Jim Tolisano -- Ecosystem management for lands in northern Mexico : a research-management partnership / Celedonio Aguirre-Bravo and David R. Betters -- Mexican legislation for productive projects in Sky Islands / Laura Pimentel-González, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio, and Heidi Romero-Schmidt -- Research and conservation literature and database for the borderlands region / Leonard F. DeBano, Silvia Manzanilla-Naim, Roy R. Pollisco, and Peter F. Ffolliott -- Soil-climate-vegetation relationships in the Sierra de la Laguna, component of the Sierra Madrean woodland element / Yolanda Maya -- Emergence of aquatic insects during March-April 1993 from streams in the Chiricahua National Monument / E.C. Masteller -- Restoration alternatives for Mexico's Sky Islands : examples from Guatemalan forestry / R. Phillips, J.G. Mexal, and R. Beltranena-Orive -- Ecological conditions in the overlap areas of the pinyon-juniper and encinal woodlands / Roy R. Pollisco, Peter F. Ffolliott, and Gerald J. Gottfried -- Land in the balance : a guide to ecosystem management / George Ruyle, Lynn Ketchem, Jennifer Ruyle, and Jeanne Wade -- Seed bank and tree fall gaps in a Mexican temperate forest / Carmen Mercado and Laura Arriaga -- The Coronado National Forest's Copper Canyon drainage : a picture of biodiversity / William E. Van Pelt -- Sustainable development and Sky Islands : the Baja California Sur experience / Alfredo Ortega-Rubio, Heidi Romero-Schmidt, and Cerafina Arguelles-Mendes -- Simulation of changes in stand structure of woodlands in the Madrean Archipelago region / Peter F. Ffolliott and D. Phillip Guertin -- Effects of grazing history on insect communities of a semi-arid grassland / Sandra J. DeBano -- Water requirements and potential uses of pigeonpeas in agroforestry systems appropriate for Sky Islands management / Enrique Troyo-Dieguez and Federico Salinas-Zavala -- The tropical dry forest of the Sierra de la Laguna : a phytogeographical analysis / Aurora Breceda, Jose Luis Leon de la Luz, and Laura Arriaga -- Life histories and demographics of long-lived organisms : implications for management and conservation / Justin D. Congdon, Arthur E. Dunham, Richard C. van Loben Sels, and Josiah T. Austin -- Dendroclimatological study in the Sierra de La Laguna, B.C.S., Mexico / Sara Diaz-Castro, Laura Arriaga-Cabrera, Daniel Lluch-Cota, and Cesar Salinas-Zavala -- Remote sensing and geographic information systems research in southeastern Arizona / D.P. Guertin, M.R. Kunzmann, G.L. Cristopherson, L.A. Graham, G.L. Ball, H R. Gimblett, and C.A. Wissler -- Lizards of the Sierra de La Laguna, Baja California Sur, Mexico / Patricia Galina-Tessaro, Sergio Alvarez-Cardenas, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio, and Alberto Gonzales-Romero -- Multiscale analysis in ecosystem management for the Lone Mountain/San Rafael Valley ecosystem management area / Carrie Christman and William J. Krausman.
Language Note:
Summary in Spanish.
Biodiversity > Madrean Archipelago > Congresses.
Ecosystem management > Madrean Archipelago > Congresses.
Biodiversity conservation > Madrean Archipelago > Congresses.
Biodiversity conservation.
Ecosystem management.
United States > Madrean Archipelago.
Conference papers and proceedings.

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