Quagga and zebra mussels : biology, impacts, and control / edited by Thomas F. Nalepa, Don W. Schloesser.
"The introduction and rapid spread of the zebra mussel in North American waters has caused great concern among industrial and recreational users of these waters. This bivalve mollusk is a biofouler that attaches to any firm substrate (e.g. rocks, piers, water intake pipes, boat hulls) and has already created significant problems for raw water users such as water treatment plants and power plants. Quagga and Zebra Mussels : Biology, Impacts and Control provides essential information regarding the biology of the zebra mussel in North America and Europe, presents case studies of environmental and industrial impacts, and outlines control strategies. Summary articles detail its life history, origins, and morphology. The book also examines techniques used to culture and maintain this organism in the laboratory. Thirty-two color plates illustrate some of the dramatic problems created by the explosive population growth of this species. Quagga and Zebra Mussels : Biology, Impacts, and Control is an important resource for ecologists, conservationists, environmental consultants, water quality engineers, regulatory officials, power utilities, and libraries"-- Provided by publisher.
"The discovery of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in Lake St. Clair in 1988 signaled what was to become a major threat to the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. It became a matter of great concern when it combined with frazzle ice to clog the water intake pipes to Monroe, Michigan in 1989 and also when its rapid spread and exponential population growth threatened cooling water supplies to electric power plants, especially nuclear power plants, and industries around the Great Lakes. The zebra mussel also brought attention to aquatic organisms as invasive species. D. polymorpha and its related species, the quagga mussel D. rostriformis bugensis, would adversely impact other aquatic organisms and bring about changes in all the Great Lakes, except Lake Superior, by altering the food web, water clarity, water chemistry, and even the sediments and beaches. Furthermore, it appears that these changes may have altered the environment to favor the establishment of other invasive species"-- Provided by publisher.
Record details
- ISBN: 9781439854365
- ISBN: 143985436X
- Physical Description: xxiv, 775 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 29 cm
- Edition: Second edition.
- Publisher: Boca Raton : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, ©2014
- Copyright: ©2014
Content descriptions
- General Note:
- "A CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T & F Informa plc."First edition published with title: Zebra mussels. ©1993.
- Bibliography, etc. Note:
- Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Formatted Contents Note:
- Preface / Thomas F. Nalepa and Don W. Schloesser -- Forward / Alfred M. Beeton -- My story on finding the first zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in North America / Sonya Gutschi Santavy -- In recognition : John Glenn sparks a giant leap for environmental protection / Allegra Cangelosi -- Chronological history of zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissenidae) in North America, 1988-2010 / Amy J. Benson -- Influence of environmental factors on zebra mussel population expansion in Lake Champlain, 1994-2010 / J. Ellen Marsden, Pete Stangel, and Angela D. Shambaugh -- Replacement of zebra mussels by quagga mussels in the Erie Canal, New York, USA / Kenton M. Stewart -- Invasion of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) to the mid-lake reef complex in Lake Michigan : a photographic montage / Jeffrey S. Houghton, Robert Paddock, and John Janssen -- Long-term change in the Hudson River's bivalve populations : a history of multiple invasions (and recovery?) / David L. Strayer and Heather M. Malcom -- Spread of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Western Europe / Abraham bij de Vaate, Gerard van der Velde, Rob S.E.W. Leuven, and Katharina C.M. Heiler -- Origin and spread of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Eastern Europe with notes on size structure of populations / Marina I. Orlova -- Summary of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Polish lakes over the past 50 years with emphasis on the Masurian Lakes (northeastern Poland) / Krzysztof Lewandowski and Anna Stańczykowska -- One reporter's perspective on the invasion of dreissenid mussels in North America : reflections on the news media / Steve Pollick -- Early responses to zebra mussels in the Great Lakes : a journey from information vacuum to policy and regulation / Ronald W. Griffiths, Don W. Schloesser, and William P. Kovalak -- Catalyst for change : "The little dreissenid that did" (change national policy on aquatic invasive species) / David F. Reid and Dean Wilkinson -- Invading dreissenid mussels transform the 100-year-old International Joint Commission / Mark J. Burrows -- Eradication of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from Millbrook Quarry, Virginia : rapid response in the real world / Raymond T. Fernald and Brian T. Watson -- Management and control of dreissenid mussels in water infrastructure facilities of the southwestern United States / Rajat K. Chakraborti, Sharook Madon, Jagjit Kaur, and Dale Gabel -- Impact of dreissenid mussels on the infrastructure of dams and hydroelectric power plants / Thomas H. Prescott, Renata Claudi, and Katherine L. Prescott -- Managing expansion of dreissenids within traditional parameters : the story of quagga mussels in Lake Mead National Recreation Area / Valerie Hickey -- Dreissenid mussels as sentinel biomonitors for human and zoonotic pathogens / David Bruce Conn, Frances E. Lucy, and Thaddeus K. Graczyk -- Contaminant concentrations in dreissenid mussels from the Laurentian Great Lakes : a summary of trends from the Mussel Watch Program / Kimani L. Kimbrough, W. Edward Johnson, Annie P. Jacob, and Gunnar G. Lauenstein -- Morphological variability of Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) / Vera Pavlova and Yuri Izyumov -- Variation of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) with emphasis on the deepwater morphotype in Lake Michigan / Thomas F. Nalepa, Vera Pavlova, Wai H. Wong, John Janssen, Jeffrey S. Houghton, and Kerrin Mabrey -- Behavior of juvenile and adult zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) / Jarosław Kobak -- Antipredator strategy of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) : from behavior to life history / Marcin Czarnoleski and Tomasz Müller -- Variation in predator-prey interactions between round gobies and dreissenid mussels / Christopher J. Houghton and John Janssen -- Density, growth, and reproduction of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in two Oklahoma reservoirs / Chad J. Boeckman and Joseph R. Bidwell -- Limiting environmental factors and competitive interactions between zebra and quagga mussels in North America / David W. Garton, Robert McMahon, and Ann M. Stoeckmann -- Evolutionary, biogeographic, and population genetic relationships of dreissenid mussels, with revision of component taxa / Carol A. Stepien, Igor A. Grigorovich, Meredith A. Gray, Timothy J. Sullivan, Shane Yerga-Woolwine, and Gokhan Kalayci -- Effects of algal composition, seston stoichiometry, and feeding rate on zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) nutrient excretion in two Laurentian Great Lakes / Thomas H. Johengen, Henry A. Vanderploeg, and James R. Liebig -- Chemical regulation of dreissenid reproduction / Donna R. Kashian and Jeffrey L. Ram -- Role of fluid dynamics in dreissenid mussel biology / Josef Daniel Ackerman -- Meta-analysis of dreissenid effects on freshwater ecosystems / Scott N. Higgins -- Effects of invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) on chlorophyll and water clarity in Lakes Mead and Havasu of the lower Colorado River Basin, 2007-2009 / Wai H. Wong, G. Chris Holdren, Todd Tietjen, Shawn Gerstenberger, Bryan Moore, Kent Turner, and Doyle C. Wilson -- Role of selective grazing by dreissenid mussels in promoting toxic Microcystis blooms and other changes in phytoplankton composition in the Great Lakes / Henry A. Vanderploeg, Alan E. Wilson, Thomas H. Johengen, Julianne Dyble Bressie, Orlando Sarnelle, James R. Liebig, Sander D. Robinson, and Geoffrey P. Horst -- Trends in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrates in Saginaw Bay relative to zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) colonization : a generalized linear model approach / Sara Adlerstein, Thomas F. Nalepa, Henry A. Vanderploeg, and Gary L. Fahnenstiel -- Lake Michigan after dreissenid mussel invasion : water quality and food web changes during the late winter/spring isothermal period / Steven A. Pothoven and Gary L. Fahnenstiel -- Nutrient cycling by dreissenid mussels : controlling factors and ecosystem response / Harvey A. Bootsma and Qian Liao -- Benthification of freshwater lakes : exotic mussels turning ecosystems upside down / Christine M. Mayer, Lyubov E. Burlakova, Peter Eklöv, Dean Fitzgerald, Alexander Y. Karatayev, Stuart A. Ludsin, Scott Millard, Edward L. Mills, A.P. Ostapenya, Lars G. Rudstam, Bin Zhu, and Tataina V. Zhukova -- Variability of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Impacts in the Shannon River system, Ireland / Dan Minchin and Anastasija Zaiko -- Impacts of Dreissena on benthic macroinvertebrate communities : predictable patterns revealed by invasion history / Jessica M. Ward and Anthony Ricciardi -- Interactions between an exotic ecosystem engineers (Dreissena spp.) and native burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia spp.) in soft sediments of western Lake Erie / Kristen M. DeVanna, Don W. Schloesser, Jonathan M. Bossenbroek, and Christine M. Mayer -- Zebra mussel impacts on unionids : a synthesis of trends in North America and Europe / Frances E. Lucy, Lyubov E. Burlakova, Alexander Y. Karatayev, Sergey E. Mastitsky, and David T. Zanatta -- Impacts of dreissenid mussels on the distribution and abundance of diving ducks on Lake St. Clair / David R. Luukkonen, Ernest N. Kafcas, Brendan T. Shirkey, and Scott R. Winterstein -- Context-dependent changes in lake whitefish populations associated with dreissenid invasion / Michael D. Rennie -- Effects of dreissenids on monitoring and management of fisheries in western Lake Erie / Martin A. Stapanian and Patrick M. Kocovsky -- General overview of zebra and quagga mussels : what we do and do not know / Alexander Y. Karatayev, Lyubov E. Burlakova, and Dianna K. Padilla -- Comparative role of dreissenids and other benthic invertebrates as links for type-E botulism transmission in the Great Lakes / Alicia Pérez-Fuentetaja, Mark D. Clapsadl, and W. Theodore Lee -- A comparison of consumptive demand of Diporeia spp. and Dreissena in Lake Michigan based on bioenergetics models / Daniel J. Ryan, Thomas F. Nalepa, Lori N. Ivan, Maria S. Sepúlveda, and Tomas O. Höök -- Variation in length-frequency distributions of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) within and between three Baltic Sea subregions : Szczecin Lagoon, Curonian Lagoon, and Gulf of Finland / Christiane Fenske, Anastasija Zaiko, Adam Woźniczka, Sven Dahlke, and Marina I. Orlova -- A note on dreissenid mussels and historic shipwrecks / Russ Green -- Appendix : Narratives for video clips. Video clip 1. A visual documentation of the eradication of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from Millbrook Quarry, Virginia / Raymond T. Fernald and Brian T. Watson ; Video clip 2. Invasion of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) to the midlake reef complex in Lake Michigan : a video montage / Jeffrey S. Houghton, Robert Paddock, and John Janssen ; Video clip 3. Close-up view of inhalant siphons of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, deepwater morph) on the midlake reef complex in Lake Michigan / Thomas F. Nalepa, Jeffrey S. Houghton, Robert Paddock, and John Janssen ; Video clip 4. Visual documentation of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) at two depths in southeastern Lake Michigan / Russ Miller, Nathan Hawley, and Steven A. Ruberg ; Video clip 5. Zebra mussel movements on the bottom of Lake Michigan / Barry M. Lesht and Nathan Hawley ; Video clip 6. Behavior of zebra mussels exposed to Microcystis colonies from natural seston and laboratory cultures / Henry A. Vanderploeg and J. Rudi Strickler ; Video clip 7. Visual evidence a native mussel population (Unionidae: Bivalvia) in the St. Clair River (Laurentian Great Lakes) has survived despite the presence of Dreissena / Greg Lashbrook and Kathy Johnson -- Postlude-synopsis / Thomas F. Nalepa and Don W. Schloesser.
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