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Enlarge cover image for Source book in anthropology / by A.L. Kroeber and T.T. Waterman, [editors]. Book

Source book in anthropology / by A.L. Kroeber and T.T. Waterman, [editors].

Record details

  • Physical Description: viii pages, 571 pages, 8 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations, maps
  • Edition: Revised edition, illustrated.
  • Publisher: New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, [1931]

Content descriptions

General Note:
Includes index.
"The editors ..."--page viii.
Formatted Contents Note:
[Part 1] HISTORY OF ANTHROPOLOGY -- 1. Some Greek anthropological explanations / Herodotus -- 2. Roman speculations of the origin of man and civilization / Lucretius -- [Part 2] EVOLUTION -- 3. The struggle for existence and natural selection / Charles Darwin -- 4. On the relations of man to the lower animals / Thomas H. Huxley -- 5. Evolution of the primates and man / William K. Gregory -- 6. The most ancient skeletal remains of man / A. Hrdlička -- 7. The asymmetrical character of human evolution / E.A. Hooton -- [Part 3] HEREDITY AND RACE -- 8. Hereditary genius / Francis Galton -- 9. The development of race measurements and classification / Gustav Retzius -- 10. Essentials of anthropometry / Louis R. Sullivan -- 11. The type of the half-breed Indian / Franz Boas -- 12. The early inhabitants of western Asia / Felix von Luschan -- Race, language, and nationality in Europe / Humphrey J. Johnson -- 14. Changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants / Franz Boas -- 15. Human blood groups / Laurence H. Snyder -- 16. Racial differences in mental traits / R.S. Woodworth -- [Part 4] PREHISTORY -- 17. The divisions of prehistoric time / Lord Avebury -- 18. Tree growth and chronology of Pueblo history / A.E. Douglass -- 19. Ancient Maya ruins / W.H. Holmes -- [Part 5] SUBSISTENCE AND MATERIAL CULTURE -- 20. Desert plant foods of the Coahuilla / David Prescott Barrows -- 21. Subsistence and society among the Heikum bushmen / L. Fourie -- 22. Terrace agriculture in the Philippines / A.E. Jenks -- 23. The origin and distribution of agriculture in America / H.J. Spinden -- 24. The domestication of animals / Francis Galton -- 25. Flint working by Ishi / Nels C. Nelson -- 26. Types of basket weaves / Otis T. Mason -- [Part 6] SOCIAL CULTURE -- 27. Social organization of the Kariera of Australia / A. Radcliffe Brown -- 28. Bánaro society / Richard Thurnwald -- 29. Social organization of the Nama Hottentot / A. Winifred Hoernlé -- 30. Marriage and society among the Crow Indians / Robert H. Lowie -- 31. Miwok moieties / Edward Winslow Gifford -- 32. The social organization of the west coast tribes / Edward Sapir -- 33. The potlatch of the Kwakiutl Indians / Franz Boas -- 34. Shell-money of New Britain / Benjamin Danks -- 35. Ifugao law / R.F. Barton -- 36. Warfare of the Plains Indians / George Bird Grinnell -- [Part 7] ÆSTHETIC AND RELIGIOUS CULTURE -- 37. Decorative arts of the north Pacific Coast / Franz Boas -- 38. American lot-games as evidence of Asiatic intercourse / E.B. Tylor -- 39. Egyptian hieroglyphic writing / E.A. Wallis Budge -- 40. Melanesian religion / R.H. Codrington -- 41. The religion of the Amazulu of South Africa / H. Callaway -- 42. Shamans of the East Greenland Eskimo / W. Thalbitzer -- 43. Aztec rituals -- 44. Magic formulas of the Hupa / P.E. Goddard -- 45. Navaho songs and prayers / Washington Matthews -- 46. The creation according to the Maori / George Grey -- 47. The creation according to the Maidu / R.B. Dixon -- [Part 8] DYNAMICS OF CULTURE -- 48. On a method of investigating the development of institutions / E.B. Tyloro -- 49. Sub-human culture beginnings / A.L. Kroeber -- 50. The American Indian as an inventor / Erland Nordenskiöld -- 51. The influence of the horse in the development of Plains culture / Clark Wissler -- 52. The architecture of the American Indians / T.T. Waterman -- 53. The disappearance of useful arts / W.H.R. Rivers -- 54. Some fundamental ideas of Chinese culture / Berthold Laufer -- 55. The rôle of the individual in Samoan culture / Margaret Mead.

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