American Indian trickster tales / selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz.
One hundred illustrated stories on Indian tricksters. The characters include Coyote, a master thief and insatiable lover; Iktomi, a shapeshifting Lakota spiderman; and Veeho, the Cheyenne daredevil. Spanning several centuries and the whole North American continent, a unique, illustrated collection of more than one hundred Native American folktales featuring the tricksters of sixty tribes is a companion volume to American Indian Myths and Legends. 15,000 first printing.
Record details
- ISBN: 0670878294
- ISBN: 9780670878291
- ISBN: 0965060691
- ISBN: 9780965060691
- Physical Description: xxi, 296 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
- Publisher: New York : Viking, 1998.
Content descriptions
- Bibliography, etc. Note:
- Includes bibliographical references (pages 284-293) and index.
- Formatted Contents Note:
- Coyote creates the world and a few other things: Beginning of the world (Yokuts) -- Sun and moon in a box (Zuni) -- Coyote steals the sun (Miwok) -- Origin of the moon and the sun (Kalispel) -- How people were made (Miwok) -- Coyote steals the summer (Crow) -- Coyote and eagle visit the land of the dead (Yakima) -- Coyote steals fire (Klamath) -- Coyote kills terrible monster (Salish) -- Seven devils mountains (Nez Perce) -- Up to no good: Coyote taunts the grizzly bear (Kutenai) -- How locust tricked coyote (Zuni) -- Coyote-giving (Paiute) -- Putting a saddle on coyote's back (Northern Pueblo) -- Satisfying meal (Hopi) -- Strong heart (Arikara) -- Better luck next time (Hopi) -- Long ears outsmarts coyote (Pueblo) -- Old man coyote and the buffalo (Crow) -- Coyote and bobcat have their faces done (Ute) -- Adventures of a meatball (Comanche) -- Coyote gets stuck (Shasta) -- Anything but pinon pitch! (Navajo) -- Fat, grease, and berries (Crow) -- Don't be too curious (Lakota) -- Coyote's amorous adventures: Coyote's amorous adventures (Shasta) -- Two rascals and their wives (Pueblo) -- Coyote sleeps with his own daughters (Southern Ute) -- Old man coyote meets coyote woman (Blackfoot) -- Coyote and fox dress up (Nez Perce) -- Coyote and the girls (Karok and Yurok) -- Coyote keeps his dead wife's genitals (Lipan Apache) -- Toothed vagina (Yurok) -- Something fishy going on (Athapascan) -- Where do babies come from? (Karuk) -- Winyan-shan upside down (Sioux) -- Trouble with rose hips: Coyote, skunk, and the beavers (Wichita) -- Monster skunk farting everyone to death (Cree) -- Coyote sells a burro that defecates money (Lipan Apache) -- Coyote the credulous (Taos) -- Trouble with rose hips (Lipan apache) -- Iktomi the spider-man: Seven toes (Assiniboine) -- Tricking the trickster (Sioux) -- Iktomi and the man-eating monster (Lakota) -- Iktomi, flint boy, and the grizzly (Lakota) -- Iktomi and the buffalo calf (Assiniboine) -- Ikto's grandchild defeats Siyoko (Rosebud Sioux) -- Cheater cheated (Lakota) -- Spider cries "wolf" (Rosebud Sioux) -- Tit for tat (Omaha) -- Iktomi takes back a gift (Rosebud Sioux) -- Iktomi and the wild ducks (Minneconjou Sioux) -- Iktomi trying to outrace beaver (Santee) -- Too smart for his own good (Sioux) -- Spider-man in love: Oh, it's you! (Lakota) -- Too many women (Lakota) -- Forbidden fruit (Lakota and rosebud Sioux) -- Spiders give birth to the people (Arikara) -- Winkte way (Omaha) -- Veeho cycle: He has been saying bad things about you (Northern Cheyenne) -- Possible bag (Northern Cheyenne) -- Hair loss (Northern Cheyenne) -- Brother, sharpen my leg! (Cheyenne) -- Veeho has his back scraped (Northern Cheyenne) -- He sure was a good shot (Cheyenne) -- Only man around (Northern Cheyenne) -- Nixant and sitconski cycles: When the people were wild (Gros ventre) -- Talking penis (Gros ventre) -- Hairy legs (Gros ventre) -- Sitconski and the buffalo skull (Assiniboine) -- She refused to have him (Assiniboine) -- Ni'hancan and whirlwind woman (Arapaho) -- Ni'hancan and the race for wives (Arapaho) -- Magical master rabbit: Little rabbit fights the sun (Ute) -- Long black stranger (Omaha) -- Why the possum's tail is bare (Cherokee) -- Rabbit escapes from the box (Creek) -- Rabbit and possum on the prowl (Cherokee) --Tar baby (Biloxi) -- Don't believe what people tell you (San Ildefonso and San Juan) -- Nanabozho and Whiskey Jack: Nanabozho and the fish chief (Great Lakes tribes) -- Why we have to work so hard making maple sugar (Menomini) -- Who is looking me in the face? (Menomini) -- Why women have their moon-time (Menomini) -- Whiskey Jack wants to fly (Cree and Metis) -- Wesakaychak, the windigo, and the ermine (Cree and Metis) -- Old man napi chooses a wife: Choosing mates (Blackfoot) -- Napi races coyote for a meal (Blackfoot) -- Magic Leggings (Blackfoot) -- Glooskap the great: How the lord of men and beasts strove with the mighty wasis and was shamefully defeated (Penobscot) -- Glooskap turns men into rattlesnakes (Passamaquoddy) -- Kuloskap and the ice-giants (Passamaquoddy) -- Questions, questions (Passamaquoddy) -- New way to travel (Micmac) -- Glooskap grants four wishes (Micmac) -- Puff of his pipe (Micmac) -- Skeleton man: While the gods snored (Hopi) -- How Masaaw slept with a beautiful maiden (Hopi) -- Scared to death (Hopi) -- Raven lights the world: Hungry for clams (Hoh and quileute) -- Give it back! Give it back! (Haida) -- Raven steals the moon (Haida) -- Yehl, the lazy one (Haida) -- Raven and his slave (Tsimshian) -- A lousy fisherman (Haida) -- Raven lights the world (Tlingit) -- Appendix -- Sources -- Index of tales.
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