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Native American medicine / Tamra Orr.
Native American medicine [videorecording] : linking traditional & modern complementary healing.
Iwígara : American Indian ethnobotanical traditions and science / Enrique Salmón.
Tales of a shaman's apprentice : an ethnobotanist searches for new medicines in the Amazon rain forest / Mark J. Plotkin.
Aboriginal health in Canada : historical, cultural, and epidemiological perspectives / James B. Waldram, D. Ann Herring, and T. Kue Young.
Colonizing bodies : aboriginal health and healing in British Columbia, 1900-50 / Mary-Ellen Kelm.
Plants of power : Native American ceremony and the use of sacred plants / Alfred Savinelli.
Will I see? / story by Iskwé and Erin Leslie ; script by David Alexander Robertson ; art by GMB Chomichuk.

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