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River of the West : a story of opportunity in the Columbia empire / by Robert Ormond Case ; research by William Price Gray.
Voyage of a summer sun : canoeing the Columbia River / Robin Cody.
Visible bones : journeys across time in the Columbia River country / Jack Nisbet.
The Columbia River, or, Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown : together with a journey across the American Continent / by Ross Cox ; edited and with an introduction by Edgar I. Stewart and Jane R. Stewart.
The region of the upper Columbia River and how I saw it / Alfred Downing.
Ranald MacDonald : the narrative of his early life on the Columbia under the Hudson's Bay Company's regime, of his experiences in the Pacific whale fishery, and of his great adventure to Japan : with a sketch of his later life on the Western Frontier, 1824-1894 / edited and annotated from the original manuscripts by William S. Lewis and Naojiro Murakami.

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