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Hammond nature atlas of America, by Roland C. Clement. Photographers: Erwin A. Bauer [and others]
Land of the eagle : a natural history of North America / Robert McCracken Peck.
The American natural history; a foundation of useful knowledge of the higher animals of North America, by William T. Hornaday ... illustrated by 227 original drawings by Beard, Rungius, Sawyer, and others, 116 photographs, chiefly by Sanborn, Keller, and Underwood, and numerous charts and maps.
Making North America / a Nova production by Windfall Films for WGBH Boston ; series producer, Peter Oxley.
The day before America / William H. MacLeish ; illustrated by Will Bryant.
Homes and habits of wild animals : North American mammals / by Karl Patterson Schmidt ; illustrated by Walter Alois Weber.
Seeker at Cassandra Marsh / Olive M. Anderson.
Cache Lake country; life in the North woods. Illus. by Henry B. Kane.
The Pacific shore: meeting place of man and nature. Color photos. by Dennis Brokaw. Human and natural history by Wesley Marx.
Objects of bright pride : Northwest Coast Indian art from the American Museum of Natural History / Allen Wardwell.

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