The folk society (1947) / Robert Redfield -- Notes on the original affluent society (1968) / Marshall Sahlins -- The children of the Hadza hunters (1962) / D.B. Jelliffe [and others] -- Lessons in living from the Stone Age (1939) / Vilhjalmur Stefansson -- The scientific aspect of the pacification of Papua (1933) / Sir Hubert Murray -- The Indian Protection Service: 50 years of work for the indigenous peoples (1962) / Darcy Ribeiro -- Official report of the Select Committee on Aborigines (1837) / House of Commons -- The effect on the Naga tribes of Assam of their contact with Western civilization (1933) / J.P. Mills -- The psychological factor in the depopulation of Melanesia (1922) / W.H.R. Rivers -- Policy of colonial governments towards native tribes, as regards their protection and their civilization (1861) / Herman Merivale -- Creed of a government anthropologist (1939) / F.E. Williams -- The future of the savage races (1940) / Lord Fitzroy R.S. Raglan -- Do missionaries destroy cultures? (1976) / Don Richardson -- Comment on "Development in the non-Western world" (1979) / Arthur E. Hippler -- The tragedy of ethnocide: a reply to Hippler (1979) / Gerald Weiss -- The impact of the Jonglei Scheme on the economy of the Dinka (1985) / George Tombe Lako -- Dam the Chico: hydropower development and tribal resistance (1985) / Charles Drucker -- High technology and original peoples: the case of deforestation in Papua New Guinea and Canada (1980) / Colin De'ath and Gregory Michalenko -- The impact of development on foraging peoples: a world survey (1981) / Richard B. Lee.
Third world colonial expansion: Indonesia, disguised invasion of indigenous nations (1985) / Bernard Nietschmann -- Resource exploitation and the health of western Arctic man (1974) / K.R. Reinhard -- Cultural change and health: the case of South American rain forest Indians (1982) / Axel Kroeger and Françoise Barbira-Freedman -- Cattle and rural economic differentiation in the highlands of Papua, New Guinea (1983) / Lawrence S. Grossman -- Cultural "imperialism" and the Nagas (1977) / Jan Ovesen -- Human rights on the periphery: no room in the ark for the Yanomami? (1984) / Christian Bay -- Miskito and Kuna struggle for nation autonomy (1984) / Bernard Nietschmann -- Melanesian resistance to ecocide and ethnocide: transnational mining projects and the fourth world on the island of New Guinea (1986) / David Hyndman -- National parks, nature conservation, and "future primitive" (1976) / Raymond Dasmann -- Pastoralism and conservation (1984) / K.M. Homewood and W.A. Rodgers -- Conservation and indigenous peoples: a study of convergent interests (1985) / James C. Clad -- National parks and native peoples in northern Canada, Alaska, and northern Australia (1981) / J.E. Gardner and J.G. Nelson -- Kuna Yala: indigenous biosphere reserve in the making? (1985) / R. Michael Wright, Brian Houseal, and Cebaldo de Leon.
Remarks on "The opening of new territories in Papua" (1920) / A.F.R. Wollaston -- Health survey of Rennell and Bellona Islands (1931) / S.M. Lambert -- Ethnodevelopment and the Orang Asli of Malaysia: a case study of the Betau Settlement for Semai-Senoi (1984) / Rohini Talalla -- A special sort of pleading: anthropology at the service of ethnic groups (1985) / Davide Maybury-Lewis -- Tribal peoples and economic development: the human ecological dimension (1985) / Robert Goodland -- The world bank tribal policy: criticisms and recommendations (1983) / John H. Bodley -- Resolution for a regional autonomous government in the Cordillera (1986) / Cordillera People's Alliance.