Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Contents Note:
pt. 1. The Colonial Schoolmaster -- Introduction -- The Period -- The Character of the Colonial Schoolmaster -- Qualifications of Teachers During the Colonial Period -- Certification and Appoinment of Teachers -- The Schoolmaster's Tasks -- Men and Women Teachers in Colonial Schools -- School Supervision in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries -- The Tenure of Early Schoolmasters -- Teacher's Salaries in Colonial Days -- Social Status of Colonial Schoolteachers -- pt. 2. The Public-School Teacher During the Early Days of the Early Days of the Republic -- The Rise of the Public Normal School -- Teachers' Institutes -- The Development of Supervision -- Teachers' Examinations and Certification, -- The Graded School and Its Influence on the Teaching Profession -- The Influx of Women Teachers in American Public Schools -- Schoolteaching-A Part-time Job -- The Extension and Improvement of Textbooks, Courses of Study, and Teaching Materials -- The Organization and Work of Teachers' Associations -- The Economic and Social Position of Schoolteachers -- Professional Status of Teachers, -- pt. 3. The Emergence of the Professional Teacher -- Introduction -- The Preparation of Teachers for Work in the Public Schools -- The Certification of Teachers -- Teachers' Institutes -- Summer Schools -- University Extension -- The Development of Method -- Teachers' Salaries -- Teachers' Pension and Retirement Systems -- Ternure of Office -- Teacher Health and Sick-leave Provisions -- Teachers' Voluntary Associations -- Public Attitude toward the Teaching Profession -- The Social Composition of the Teaching Population -- Index.