Formatted Contents Note:
In search of history -- When does history happen? -- History by the ounce -- The historian as artist -- The historian's opportunity -- Problems in writing the biography of General Stilwell -- The houses of research -- Biography as a prism of history -- Japan: a clinical note -- Campaign train -- What Madrid reads -- "Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead" -- The final solution -- Israel: land of unlimited impossibilities -- Woodrow Wilson on Freud's couch -- How we entered World War I -- Israel's swift sword -- If Mao had come to Washington -- The assimilationist dilemma: Ambassador Morgenthau's story -- Kissinger: self-portrait -- Mankind's better moments -- Is history a guide to the future? -- Vietnam -- When, why, and how to get out -- Coalition in Vietnam- not worth one more life -- The citizen versus the military -- Historical clues to present discontents -- Generalship -- Why policy-makers do not listen -- Watergate and the presidency -- Should we abolish the presidency? -- A fear of the remedy -- A letter to the House of Representatives -- Difusing the presidency -- On our birthday- America as idea.