General Note:
English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese.
Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references (pages 386-410).
Formatted Contents Note:
The heterogeneity of marginal cultures / Robert H. Lowie -- Present status of the Eskimo problem / Kaj Birket-Smith -- The Ipiutak culture: its origins and relationships / Helge Larsen -- A survival of the Eurasiatic animal style in modern Alaskan Eskimo art / Carl Schuster -- Anatomical studies of the East Greenland Eskimo dentition / P.O. Pedersen -- Possible early contacts between Eskimo and Old World languages / W. Thalbitzer -- The earth-diver and the rival twins: a clue to the correlation in North-Eurasiatic and North American mythology / Earl W. Count -- The "seat of honor" in aboriginal dwellings of the circumpolar zone, with special regard to the Indians of northern North America / Ivar Paulson -- Petroglyphs and pictographs in British Columbia / Gutorm Gjessing -- Culture area and culture depth: with data from the Northwest coast / Marian W. Smith -- The role of the dead in Northwest coast culture / Joyce Wike -- Soul loss illness in western North America / William W. Elmendorf -- The Old-World dragon in America / Marius Barbeau -- Matriarchal dances of the Iroquois / Gertrude Prokosch Kurath -- Archeology in the vicinity of New York City / Carlyle S. Smith -- Some highly specific Middle Mississippi ceramic types / James B. Griffin -- Some geographic and cultural factors involved in Mexican-Southeastern contacts /. J. Charles Kelley -- The Gallina phase of northern New Mexico / L. Pendleton -- The abandonment of the northern pueblos in the thirteenth century / Deric O'Bryan -- Evidences of early man in Bat Cave and on the plains of San Augustin, New Mexico / Herbert W. Dick -- The antiquity of the Finley (Yuma) site: example of the geologic method of dating / John Hall Moss -- Style areas in historic Southeastern art / John M. Goggin -- Material from the Hemenway Archeological Expedition (1887-88) as a factor in establishing the American origin of the garden bean / Volney H. Jones.
Two concepts of power / Regina Flannery -- Culture hero and trickster in North American mythology / Geza Roheim -- Power animals in American Indian art / Herbet J. Spinden -- The study of American Indian crafts and its implication for art theory / Gene Weltfish -- Culture and style in extended discourse / Z.S. Harris -- Structure and variation in language and culture / Paul L. Garvin -- Linguistically marked distinctions in meanings / C.F. Voegelin -- Notes on the theory of population distribution in relation to the aboriginal population of North America / Stanley D. Dodge -- An anthropometric study of returned Mexican emigrants / Gabriel Ward Lasker -- Calculo de la talla de Mexicanos del valle de Mexico a base de la longitud del femur / Juan Comas -- Living archeology of the Bribri and Cabecar Indians of Costa Rica / Doris Stone -- Pascual de Andagoya on the Cueva of Panama / Hermann Trimborn -- Persistent elements in San Blas Cuna social organization / D.B. Stout -- The physical world, the world of magic, and the moral world of Guiana Indians / C.H. de Goeje -- Some remarks on the divisions of the Guaymi Indians / S. Henry Wassen, with the collaboration of Nils M. Holmer -- Notes on Venezuelan archeology / J.M. Cruxent -- La macrofamilia linguistica witoto y sus relaciones con la familia Sabeia y otras Indoamericanas / P.J. Marcelino C. de Castellvi -- Les structures sociales dans le Bresil central et oriental / Claude Levi-Strauss -- Caracterizacao da cultura Tapirape / Herbert Baldus -- Cachimbos Tupis-Guaranis de Pirassununga / Manuel Pereira de Godoi -- Los pobladores historicos de la region Diaguita / Antonio Serrano -- La mancha Mongolica en los aborigines del Ecuador / Antonio Santiana -- The antiquity of man in the Argentine and the survival of South American fossil mammals until contemporary times / Kazimierz Stolyhwo -- Physiological anthropology of the dwellers in America's high plateaus / Carlos Monge M. -- Ancient man in South America / Theodore D. McCown -- El tipo antropologico del Indio Sudamericano: observaciones generales / Martin Gusinde -- Bibliography.