Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Foreword: In struggle for the earth / John Trudell -- Preface: Succeeding into Native North America / Winona LaDuke -- Introduction: Land theft and the mechanisms of genocide and ecocide. -- Part I, American "justice." American Indian lands: the Native ethic amid resource development -- Perversions of justice: examinining the doctrine of U.S. rights to occupancy in North America. -- Part II, In struggle for the land. Struggle to regain a stolen homeland: the Iroquois land claims in upstate New York -- The Black Hills are not for sale: the Lakota struggle for the 1868 treaty territory -- Genocide in Arizona?: the 'Navajo-Hopi land dispute' in perspective -- The struggle for Newe Segobia: the Western Shoshone battle for their homeland -- Last stand at Lubicon Lake: an assertion of indigenous sovereignty in North America. -- Part III, Other battles. Radioactive colonization: hidden holocaust in Native North America -- The water plot: hydrological rape in northern California -- American Indian self-governance: fact, fantasy and propsects[sic] for the future. -- Part IV, I am indigenist.