Bibliography, etc. Note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted Contents Note:
Distortion and healing : finding balance and a "good mind" through the rearticulation of Sky Woman's journey / Kahente Horn-Miller -- Double consciousness and Cree perspectives : reclaiming indigenous women's knowledge / Shalene Jobin Vandervelde -- Naskapi women : words, narratives, and knowledge / Carole Lévesque, Denise Geoffroy, and Geneviève Polèse -- Mapping, knowledge, and gender in the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua / Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez and Leanna Parker -- Métis women's environmental knowledge and the recognition of Métis rights / Nathalie Kermoal -- Community-based research and Métis women's knowledge in Northwest Saskatchewan / Kathy L. Hodgson-Smith and Nathalie Kermoal -- Gender and the social dimensions of changing caribou populations in the western Arctic / Brenda Parlee and Kristine Wray -- "This is the life" : women's harvesting, fishing, and food security in Paulatuuq, Northwest Territories / Zoe Todd.
Additional Physical Form available Note:
Issued also in electronic format.