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Results 41 - 50 of 4100 (page 5 of 410)
The politics of the presidency / Joseph A. Pika, John Anthony Maltese.
Sports in America / edited by Lynn M. Messina.
American baskets : [a cultural history of a traditional domestic art] / Robert Shaw.
Handbook of selected legislation and documents to accompany West/Wadsworth's American government texts / by Edward Sidlow [and others].
The Quest for national office : readings on elections / edited by Stephen J. Wayne, Clyde Wilcox.
An illustrated checklist of the American crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae, Cambaridae, and Parastacidae) / Horton H. Hobbs, Jr.
A special issue : illiteracy in America / issue editors, May 1970, Robert C. Riordan, Wood Smethurst.
Four centuries of sport in America, 1490-1890. Introd. by Harry Worcester Smith.
Buying the wind : regional folklore in the United States.
The American teacher; evolution of a profession in a democracy, by Willard S. Elsbree.

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