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Results 21 - 30 of 95 (page 3 of 10)
Grand Coulee Dam [videorecording] / American Experience Films presents ; an Insignia Films production for American experience ; produced by Amanda Pollak ; story by Rob Rapley ; telescript by Stephen Ives ; directed by Stephen Ives ; WGBH.
Good meat [videorecording] / co-production of Sam Hurst, Native American Public Telecommunications, and NET Television ; produced by Larry Pourier ; directed by Sam Hurst ; written by Sam Hurst and Beau LeBeau.
Japan's killer quake / written and produced by Richard Burke-Ward, Robert Strange ; produced by Pioneer Productions for NOVA in association with Channel 4 ; WGBH.
My life as a turkey [videorecording] / a production of Passion Pictures, Thirteen and the BBC in association with WNET New York Public Media ; produced by David Allen.
American experience. Earth days [videorecording] / American Experience presents ; a Robert Stone film for American Experience ; WGBH Educational Foundation ; written, produced and directed by Robert Stone.
Ghosts of Machu Picchu : inside the Incan City in the clouds / a production of Nova and National Geographic Television ; produced by Owen Palmquist and Ricardo Preve ; WGBH.
When worlds collide [videorecording] / a co-production of Red Hill Productions & KCET ; written by Ruben Martinez & Carl Byker ; directed and produced by Carl Byker.
Native American wars. The Apache.
Becoming human / produced by Shining Red Productions for Nova ; WGBH Educational Foundation.
What Darwin never knew [videorecording] / a Nova/WGBH production ; produced by Matthew Barrett, John Rubin, and Sarah Holt ; written by John Rubin ; directed by John Rubin, Rushmore Denooyer, Serena Davies, and Sarah Holt.

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