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Results 21 - 30 of 125 (page 3 of 13)
A river between us / an It Matters Production ; a film by Jason A. Atkinson and J. Martin ; produced & written by J. Martin & Jason A. Atkinson  ; directed by J. Martin.
The physics of light / Educational Broadcasting System ; chief producer, Yeon Kyu Lee ; written by Mi Ran Kim ; produced and directed by Si Joon Kim, Hyung Joon Kim.
The great math mystery / written by Dan McCabe ; produced and directed by Dan McCabe, Richard Reisz ; a Nova Production for WGBH Boston.
American Native / Phydo Films ; directed by Steven Oritt ; produced by Corey Bobker, Matt Ogens.
We are all related here / an EmpathyWorks Films production ; directed, produced, edited and shot by Brian McDermott.
E.O. Wilson : of ants and men / produced by Shining Red Productions, Inc. for PBS ; Shelly Schulze, director ; Graham Townsley, writer/executive producer.
The Doctrine of Discovery : unmasking the domination code / 38 Plus 2 Productions presents [a film] produced and directed by Sheldon P. Wolfchild.
Heenetiineyoo3eihiiho' = Language healers / an EmpathyWorks Films production ; directed, produced and edited by Brian McDermott ; executive producer, S. Neyooxet Greymorning.
Horse tribe / a documentary film by Janet Kern; director/producer, Janet Kern; a production of Vision Maker Media.
Yellow fever : uncovering the Navajo uranium legacy / Issue TV ; directed by Sophie Rousmaniere.

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