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Results 31 - 40 of 259 (page 4 of 26)
Indian tribes as sovereign governments : a sourcebook on federal-tribal history, law, and policy.
Corporate charter of the Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation, Washington : ratified February 27, 1937.
Indian tribes as sovereign governments : a sourcebook on federal-tribal history, law, and policy / Charles Wilkinson and the American Indian Resources Institute.
Corporate charter of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation, Washington : ratified October 31, 1936.
Tribal government today : politics on Montana Indian reservations / James J. Lopach, Margery Hunter Brown, Richmond L. Clow.
Corporate charter of the Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Indian Reservation, Washington : ratified July 22, 1939.
Proud nations : celebrating tribal self-governance / Brent Simcosky with Cyndi Holmes.
Self-governance : a tribally driven initiative / the Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project.
Documents of Native American political development : 1933 to present / edited by David E. Wilkins.
Tribal self-governance : shaping our own future : a red paper / issued by Jamestown Band of Klallam, Lummi Indian Tribe, Quinault Indian Nation.

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